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4 Crucial Signs It's Time to Replace Your Pleated Air Filters

All HVAC and conventional room air conditioning units use pleated air filters to reduce the intake of debris, dust, and other harmful elements that a contaminated outside air sends right into homes. However, even the best filters do not last forever and will require replacement when necessary. Here are four critical signs it's time to replace your air filters.

Allergic Air Reactions Becoming Frequent

If you're noticing frequent sneezing, allergic reactions, or even flu cases increasing in your residential or commercial property, it's possible your pleated air filters are greatly contaminated and will require immediate washing or replacement. In doing so, you will notice a huge improvement of air quality inside your property thereafter.

The White Sheet Test

Hang a white sheet just a few inches from one of your HVAC vents. After an hour, inspect the white sheet and see if there are any signs of graying or blacking. Any dense colors indicate that your pleated air filters definitely need washing or replacement as soon as possible. While you might think it reflects the room's cleanliness, the air passing through the vents will hit the white sheet first before it circulates throughout the room.

Your Utility Bills Just Increased

If you've noticed a massive electricity use spike, it's very possible your filters played a huge role in its occurrence. The simplest way to see if it does is to wash or replace your filters. If your bill spike has lowered back into its standard rate, then your filters definitely require cleaning as soon as possible.

You've Been Using it Continuously Beyond 90 Days

Almost every pleated filter requires replacement every 90 days. If it's summer, you may have to replace it more frequently about every 70-80 days. It's possible pet dander, hair, debris, and other materials may contaminate your filters quickly with heavy HVAC unit usage.

Make Sure You're Using the Best Filters Available

If you have yet to find a reliable pleated filters supplier, you can always count on us at Dynamic Filtration LTD to provide you with top-notch filtration solutions. With decades of experience providing exceptional filters for different companies, we guarantee 100% satisfaction for all your filter needs. Contact us today!

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