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Your Options for Bandsaw Lubrication

If you own a band saw, one thing you must be very particular about is how to maintain proper lubrication. This is particularly important for the moving band saw parts in order for them to stay in good condition for a long time. There are various types of lubricants available to use for the blade but never use water because it can only damage the body and gullets of the saw and results in rust formation. Use the right lubricant for your blade to protect it from friction damage and won’t cause stain to your wood which it is intended for.

Among the different band saw parts, it is the blade that needs proper lubrication since it is the most hardworking component. Always remember to also apply enough lubricant to both sides of the blade. You can try various combinations of lubricants or concoction until you get the effect you want. But there are already tested and proven products in the market that provide longer blade life and prevent rust and corrosion.

If you prefer to go natural, there are also products available for this option. For instance, there is a band lubrication that is made from vegetable shortening which is just the same as the one used for cooking. It is recommended for blades that have ¾ inches in thickness and are under vertical band saw. Just make sure to unplug the saw first before applying the lubricant to its parts.

Whatever is your option for the type of lubricant, lubricating the parts, especially the blade can help prolong its life by more than 30%. If you want to know more about the different lubricants for your band saw, keep in touch with one of our experts here to help you get the right product you need.

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