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Why you Should Consider Hosting a Surplus Equipment Auction

Many companies find themselves with excess or unused equipment that end up taking valuable space in their facilities. Auctions are a great opportunity for companies to sell their surplus equipment and there are many benefits that come with hosting one. Once you have gone through your inventory and have identified which machines are no longer being utilized, you can work with a reputable auctioning company such as Infinity Asset Solutions to help you get started.

Here is a list of benefits for hosting a surplus equipment auction:

Recover Capital

Selling and auctioning off your extra equipment will not only clear up space in your facility but it’s a good opportunity to make back some of the money spent when you initially purchased your equipment. This will allow you to increase your budget and put that money towards other necessities for your company. Consider working with a reputable auction company that provides industrial asset monetization services such as Infinity Asset, to help maximize the value of your unused equipment.


Hosting an auction to get rid of extra equipment is a great way of reducing waste and reusing resources. Rather than just discarding your tools and machinery, you can help someone else who is in need of similar equipment but is working with a limited budget.

Declutter and Save Money

Most often, industrial equipment is large which can take up valuable warehouse space. This means that you will not only be spending on the storage facility but also on the maintenance cost for the upkeep of this equipment. Selling any equipment, machinery, and tooling that’s no longer in use will bring in a cash flow, and also help declutter your storage facility while making space for new upgrades.

Easy to host a surplus equipment auction if you work with the right company

Be it for clearing storage space or recovering unused capital, if you’re planning on selling surplus equipment, we recommend working with a reliable industrial auction specialist. As an industry leader, Infinity Asset Solutions is dedicated to helping businesses sell surplus and used equipment. If you’re interested in hosting an auction, contact Infinity Asset Solutions to get started today.

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