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Which One Would It Be: Pleated Filter or Panel Filter?

In terms of various industrial filters, many have been considering between panel and pleated air filters. One of the distinguishing factors, of course, is their price with the latter being costlier. However, there is actually more important than cost when comparing these types of filter elements. When it comes to the practicality of application, panel filters are commonly used almost in any kind of application since they also come in various sizes. Conversely, pleated filters are more popular if efficiency is the most important factor to consider.

Now prior to differentiating pleated air filters from their panel counterparts, it is crucial to know what represents filter efficiency as it is the most essential aspect to factor in. It was referred to as the MERV rating scale, ranging from 1 as the weakest to 20 as the strongest. The higher the MERV rating of a filter is, the higher also is its efficiency. Therefore, a filter, whether it is panel or pleated, that is rated at 20 has the ability to filter particles that are found within airborne viruses.

Pleated air filters

What makes this filter highly efficient is also its high dust capacity. It provides a longer lifespan and offers amazing filter services for a long period of time. In addition, it is very effective in protecting against allergies and contaminants that may cause asthma. One of the most efficient types of pleated air filters is the permanently charged electrostatic. It works by magnetically drawing particles that would pass through the filter element. Typically, the pleated filter comes with a 5 - 12 MERV rating, and even higher.

Panel air filter

One of the biggest benefits of a panel filter over the pleated one is its cost. Though it is cheaper than a pleated air filter, it is still a great protector of the HVAC system over hazardous airborne contaminants. If you need a filter for your furnace that needs frequent replacement, then a panel air filter is a perfect option for you.

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