Total beginners to life drawing classes oftentimes make the wrong presumption that it will be an awkward or even sexual experience to stare at a naked body for several hours. However, in reality, seasoned artists would tell you that nudity is yet another mode of dress to draw in pencil, charcoal or paint.
What to know before attending a life drawing class?
Virtually wherever you live in the country, there will almost certainly be life drawing classes held near your place. You can ask around if you don't have any idea or if in doubt. Just keep in mind some aspects first about the class before joining one. Is there a charge involved? Will the model be dressed or naked? Will the drawing materials be provided or are you required to bring your own?
If you are indeed required to bring your own materials, don’t bother too much about what to bring. Just keep in mind that any decent-sized drawing pad would be enough, along with charcoal or pencils in different colours or grades. Just check if you are also required to bring an easel. Some of these classes are held at places where easels are readily available while others only have artists positioned around the model sitting on their tables.
What can I expect when the class starts?
When it’s time to draw and though life drawing classes differ, with some being a little more exercise-led while others just leave artists to their own devices, you would be expected to end up drawing some poses by the model to start with. These first few poses can be as short as seconds or as long as several minutes, placing more emphasis on the artist shedding their inhibitions with the drawing pad.
Are there right and wrong ways to draw the model?
Lastly, there are certain principles in life drawing that you will learn after you have completed your life drawing classes. Whatever your background is, circumstances, and interest in the life drawing class, bear in mind that as with everything artistic, the essential factor is to find your own style and be confident in applying it so that you can make truly great artwork.