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What’s Next In Police Fleet Vehicles?

Law enforcement in the country has shown a rising per capita expense on police activities. However, despite this increase in financial expenditure, about 30% of the respondents still think that police officers are still not performing well in how they should treat people. This public opinion indicates a divided view of police performance, yet the growing number of officers all throughout the nation has significantly reduced the crime rate over the recent years. A rather notable trend in the police force is the growing number of women in all ranks. On top of other major trends, here are the top two predictions of the next generation police vehicle that both the officers and fleet outfitters should know.

Safety Package

Safety features can now go beyond collision avoidance but may also include the attack awareness systems. Such an ambush warning system that can help alert the officer on duty of any movement coming either at the rear or side of their vehicle. This feature is often referred to as the officer protection package, a kind of equipment that helps the police officer to activate the system by pressing a dedicated button on the steering wheel. Once the alert sounds off, the doors lock, front windows roll up, reverse lights turn on, and taillights start to flash. This safety system still works even if the officer did not notice the approaching intruder.

Improved Connection

This technology trend often includes built-in displays for police vehicles. It means that both trucks and cars will no longer be just patrol vehicles but will also serve as rolling computers and WiFi hotspots. Apart from the connectivity already available on existing police vehicle models, some popular brands are planning to add 4G built-in WiFi into their latest models. This makes it for the police agencies to connect their data systems easier in their fleet vehicles. Another option for the agency is to ask fleet outfitters to mount their computers in the vehicle trunks rather than the cockpit to prevent the officers from getting injured by those computers in an accident.

Darta Fleet Solutions is your one-stop-shop emergency fleet outfitters that specialize in a variety of products and services associated with the consultation and installation of emergency or safety vehicle fleet.

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