Nickel titanium, also known as Nitinol or NiTi, is a smart material with very unique shape memory and super elastic properties. NiTi also has a very elastic modulus that works closely similar to that of the human bones than any other metal alloy, making it the most popular implant material.
Thus, one would find it popularly used in orthodontics, bone fracture treatment, as well as in bone suture anchor application wherein soft tissues are attached to the bones. More interestingly, NiTi is also used as stents in reinforcing blood vessels. What makes nickel titanium biocompatible is the formation of a thin titanium oxide surface and it is highly stable when inside the body. The blood compatibility properties of this metal alloy are closely similar to that of titanium oxide.
Nickel titanium is also known to be thromboresistant and has semi-conductive abilities. A number of studies reveal that the use of NiTi as clot filters and its effects on platelet adhesion and clotting systems are somehow the same with the results when using stainless steel. Empirical findings show that grafting of polyethylene oxide on NiTI had decreased the fibrinogen adsorption a lot, in fact, by as much as 99%. The same significant results were found when it comes to platelet adhesion.
Finally, NiTi’s properties enable it to be modified to a greater extent by adjustments in its composition, mechanical working, and heat treatment after recycling. Studies involving the investigation of these changes in NiTi wires after recycling revealed significant findings. Results show that there are no significant differences between the metal alloy when it comes to its maximum tensile strength, bending fatigue, modulus of elasticity, and elongation rate. Similarly, the frictional coefficient and surface roughness of nickel titanium wires after recycling were increased but not statistically significant. This indicates that NiTi can be recycled and put into new use without significantly losing its amazing properties.
If your application calls for the use of NiTi, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to learn more about this unique metal alloy.