Dental implants in Toronto are recognized as the most effective teeth replacement option available. But are you aware that not everyone is suitable for a dental implant? This is because some patients’ medical conditions may reject the implants. This is where we wanted to help you have a better understanding of what makes dental implants fail. We identify the top three common reasons for the failure.
Early Rejection
This occurs in patients who have sensitive gums and teeth, making the insertion of a foreign object such as the implant may lead to an increased likelihood of mouth infection. In addition, when the existing mouth infection is unknown, it can also cause early rejection of the dental implants. This treatment is not also suited for those who are suffering from metal allergy because a major part of the implant is usually made from titanium.
Improper Oral Practice
While dental implants in Toronto are not as prone to tooth decay as the case with your natural teeth, they still need to be properly taken care of. Just like how you take good care of your natural teeth without the implants, you must continue brushing, flossing, and rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash. This can help prevent any damage to dental implants.
Smoking and Other Medical Conditions
Implant failures can also be due to smoking, diabetes, and other compromised medical conditions. Smoking, in particular, can significantly impact the gums which can also adversely affect the healing process needed after implant. It may also negatively affect the fusing of the implant to the bone or the process called Osseointegration.
Knowing these major causes of dental implant failure would help you decide if this oral treatment is for you as well. If you want to learn more about this treatment option or any other alternative oral care we can provide, you can book an appointment today.