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Various Police Car Lights Essential For Any Fleet Vehicle

Police vehicles are well known for their police light bar accompanied by their corresponding siren when activated. This light is just one of the many you can find on police vehicles. Each of these lights has its respective purpose. Learn more about each one of them below.

Police Light Bar

What's the purpose of a police light bar?

The main purpose of a police light bar is to provide a visual indication of an emergency vehicle to warn other drivers. Enforcers can use the light bar for various purposes such as high-speed pursuits, pursuit driving, and crime prevention.

Takedown Lights

High-output lighting systems are mounted atop many law enforcement vehicles to illuminate the vehicle's surroundings. The goal is to make it easier to see both the police vehicle and other drivers on the road. These lights also double as a deterrent to blind and disable perpetrators with non-lethal tools.

The most common design includes four lights, with two on each side of the car's roof. One of these lights is typically mounted on top of the car, with the other two near the front and rear.

The roof-mounted light usually emits a bright white spotlight.

Surface Mount Lights

Police vehicle surface mount lights are usually mounted on the car's roof, trunk, or hood. The lights are usually circular and are used to illuminate the ground. They are used to notify oncoming drivers of the presence of a police car.

Have The Best Outfitters Install These In Your Vehicles Today

If your police car lights have started to become obsolete, maybe it's time to have them replaced soon. Call your most trusted outfitter today, such as Darta Fleet Solutions, to get the best service for your vehicle. Contact us today to learn more.

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