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The Industrial Air Compressor Rental Industry At A Glance

Statistics report of the North American industrial air compressor rental industry shows the staggering annual sales of more than eight hundred million U.S. dollars both for oil-free and oil-flooded models. In terms of power source, diesel air compressors dominate the market. However, as there are more stringent regulations on gas emissions produced by these units, electric compressors are being considered more.

The rapid growth of the compressor rental market is driven by a couple of factors. These include a shift from buying new units with capital investment to renting with operating expenditure; failures of old machines and need for replacement; stricter and ever-changing industry standards; and the growth in the refining and petrochemical industry. Moreover, the tiered structure, being the strictest of emission regulation standards to reduce the dangerous emissions from compressors drives the prices of new equipment higher up to 30% more. This leads to more operators opting for industrial air compressor rental rather than purchasing new equipment.

In fact, a number of businesses strive for the refurbishment and rental of used air compressors. With the active participation of major market players at the regional and national levels, the entire industry remains competitive and becomes mature. A lot of technology improvements are made such as streamlined applications through the use of mobile devices and big data, application and integration of variable speed drives, and global positioning systems in industrial air compressor rental. All these have a tremendously positive effect on accessibility and growth in the market.

In terms of machine type, instrument quality oil-flooded compressors with after-treatment offer users a cost-effective alternative to oil-free models. These industrial air compressors are a perfect option for those who can afford to handle the risks associated with failures and contamination. Fortunately, we can help you avoid those risks by deciding on the best rental unit for your air compression requirements. Simply give us a call to know your options

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