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The Important Visual Elements of Web Design

In addition to functionality of a website, it is equally important to also consider the visual elements of web design in Toronto. Taking into account these elements will optimize the overall use and performance of your website. Speaking of this, here is a quick guide as to what visual elements you have to take note in designing your own site to ensure that things work great together.

Fonts of written texts: as there are a lot of different fonts to choose from, pick the one that perfectly complements your overall web design. This means it should match with the colour scheme, images, and graphics of the website.

Colours: you have to also know the psychology of colour as it has a significant effect on the overall design of your site. Settle with the ones that align with your brand as well as the message you want to convey to your customers.

Layout of the site: this element is very important because how your content is being arranged has a huge impact not just on the visuals of your web design in Toronto but also on its usability. Though there are no strict rules to follow, there are some principles to take note of. Ultimately, go for a layout that accommodates your audience well and does not overwhelm them when browsing your site.

Spacing: proper use of whitespace is the key to achieving a design that highly balances the major visual elements of your website. Having it will help visitors browse and navigate your site easily.

Images: using powerful images or photos, along with icons, will effectively communicate the message you want your audience to know. And this can be done in just seconds. There are plenty of websites that offer free use of images. Go over them and pick the ones you think can help your web design.

Videos: the biggest advantage of using videos is their ability to give users a better experience and a clear message that can’t be delivered through written text or images. Remember that people tend to be drawn to moving pictures. Just keep in mind not to overdo the use of videos and detract other important visual elements of your web design.

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