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The Future Trends of Police Fleet Vehicles

Law enforcement in the country has shown an increasing trend in per capita expenditure on policing. Despite that, a considerable number of Canadians thought that police did just an average to poor job of treating citizens. This opinion reveals a divided view of police performance, but still, the growing number of officers all throughout the country has notably decreased the crime rate over the last decade. Among other major trends, here are the future police vehicle predictions in the next few years that both the officers and fleet outfitters should be aware of.

Super Smart Alert or Attack Awareness System

The safety features will cover more than collision avoidance and also include attack awareness systems. This is known as the ambush warning system that will alert officers of the movement either at the rear or side of their vehicle. This equipment will help the officers to activate the system by pressing a dedicated button on the steering wheel. An alert goes off, the doors lock, front windows roll up, reverse lights turn on, and taillights begin to flash. It can work even if the officers did not notice the approaching offender.

Enhanced Connectivity

Improved connectivity means police cars and trucks will become roller computers and Wi-Fi hotspots with built-in displays. In addition to the Dodge Charger and Chevy Tahoe, Ford has added 4G built-in Wi-Fi into some of its 2018 models, allowing the police agencies to connect their data systems easier in their fleet vehicles. Another option for the police agency is to ask fleet outfitters to mount their computers in the trunks instead of the cockpit to prevent injuries that can be caused by those computers during accidents.

Larger Body Size and More Space

The growing need for more cargo area storage prompted law enforcement agencies to favor SUVs more than other types for their fleet vehicles. They offer the front and rear hip, shoulder room and legroom to comfortably seat many officers in full body armor while holding their duty gears. The spacious room will be perfect for more features and equipment in which the fleet outfitters can easily include.

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