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Shearing: An Essential Sheet Metal Fabricating Technique Experts Must Know

Materials that go through shearing are mild steel, copper, and aluminum sheets. This method requires a precise amount of force to produce specific angles for various projects.

In order to accomplish a wide variety of shapes and sizes, you may need different tools such as band saws or metal shears. This is a very common sheet metal fabricating technique that can be used to produce complicated products with challenging shapes.

Shearing machines are typically used to separate pieces of material into equal or unequal sections. The rate and depth of each cut depend on the blade type, local thickness, material size, and other factors. Some blades can cut along one side of the workpiece, while some can cut two pieces at once. It is also possible to drill holes using shearing machines, as well as fold and weld sheets together as needed.

A horizontal band saw's blade moves in a substantially horizontal direction across the material. Then the upper guide tube guides the metal into the blade.

The lower guide tube controls the angle and depth to which the blade will go into the sheet material. Horizontal band saws can be cut per side of a workpiece at once.

In contrast, for vertical band saws, both top and bottom tubes move up and down to control the direction and depth of cuts. Vertical band saws are often used to cut pipes or other round or oval shapes.

This technique is used to create a uniformed surface and eliminate sharp edges on a piece of material.

An alternative to shearing is EDM or electrical discharge machining. This process involves the use of an electrically powered wire that is fed through a focused cylinder filled with solid abrasives.

The electrical energy spark gap at the end of the wire melts a small amount of metal, removing it from the surface. This process is repeated for each line on the workpiece until all undesirable material has been removed.

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You can always count on us at Demtra Sheet Metal Industries for the best results for your manufacturing needs. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you.

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