Of all the various kinds of vibration isolation methods or mitigations, passive vibration techniques such as mechanical springs, vibration pads and vibration dampener. This system as opposed to the other type of method called active vibration isolation that uses electric power, actuators, and sensors. Passive vibration isolation encompasses wide area of interests because there are plenty of passive isolators used for various applications. These include the following commonly used isolators.
Different Kinds of Passive Isolation Systems
Mechanical Dampers
These isolators are very durable and heavy-duty that are usually used for building systems. A vibration dampener can also provide further isolation if acting as mounts for concrete blocks.
Pneumatic or Air Isolators
Pneumatic isolators are commonly used in huge trucks and for isolating big industrial equipment since they provide both damping and isolation functions. They are canisters or bladders of compressed air which can have low resonant frequencies. For instance, air tables offer sufficient isolation for laboratory devices. In some cases, air can leak under certain conditions and the type of air container used may interfere with the isolator’s job in low-amplitude vibration.
Sheets or Pads
Pads of flexible materials such as rubber, dense foams, and elastomers are usually used to protect heavy machinery, household appliances, high performing audio systems, as well as in vehicles.
Base isolators for buildings and bridges
These kind of passive isolators are composed of multiple layers of neoprene and steel to reduce the natural frequency of the building. Some types are even made to slide to prevent any transfer of energy such as during earthquakes from the ground to the building.
Bonded isolators and mounts
These products are commonly used in vehicles and as machinery mounts since they can effectively absorb shock and decrease some vibration. They come in different materials and items, depending on your specific application.
In case you need more specialized isolators, just visit VibraSystems, the leading designer and manufacturer of anti-vibration and noise control products in North America. We are well-equipped to provide vibration dampener, isolation pads, sheets, mounts, hangers and even seismic restrained mounts for any industry application.