Just in case you are not aware of it yet, stainless steel is often used in making wire mesh. Stainless steel mesh is a metal screen made from intersecting columns and parallel rows that are linked together either by weaving or joining. It is widely used in both residential and commercial applications. Here are the three major facts about this wire mesh that you will find very interesting.
Fact #1. It comes in various forms
The biggest benefit of stainless steel mesh is that it comes in many shapes and sizes. So, if you are looking for a wire mesh for your art display or perhaps you need it for your commercial office space, this wire mesh would be a great option to consider. Additionally, stainless steel wire mesh also comes in varied alloys and materials. This high versatility makes it the major option across industries.
Fact #2. It has a very unique weave pattern
Stainless steel mesh is uniquely interwoven together at the intersections. This weaving creates a very unique appearance and intricate columns and rows, making it easy to distinguish. After the wire has been drawn into its desired weave design, it will then be fed into the machine where the rows will be joined together. The next step is welding the perpendicular lines together to add further to its unique design.
Fact #3. It has a lot of applications
Finally, one great aspect about steel mesh is that it has very wide variety of applications such as shelving, fencing, and room dividers. In fact, you can see it beautifully used as decorations in walls and ceilings, too. You can use it as well as screen material for your windows and doors.
If you find it interesting to learn more about where else you can use this wire mesh, just get in touch with us today to help you make the best choice.