Computer numerical control or CNC machining is a kind of subtractive manufacturing process in which a cutting tool removes the material from a solid workpiece. This cutting technology can be used to process both plastics and metals. CNC machine parts in Toronto have tight tolerances and high accuracy, all thanks to this advanced cutting technology. To be exact, CNC machining is recognized as one of the best choices in producing prototype products in the most cost-effective way. It works both for one-of and high volume productions.
Though CNC machining offers great design flexibility, the major challenge, however, is in designing CNC machine parts in Toronto is the lack of certain industry standards. Makers of CNC machines and cutting tools have been constantly enhancing the capabilities of this technology, expanding its limits. Given this scenario, thus it becomes so crucial to carefully take into account the CNC machine setup when designing.
The first reason as to why that is important is that the number of setups has a direct effect on the costs as more rotation and re-alignment of components require manual work and adds up to the overall machining type. The acceptable number of rotations is about 3 to 4 times. In case it goes above that, it becomes excessive machining. Another reason is that there are two features that needed to be cut into one single machine setup for maximum positional accuracy of machining CNC machine parts in Toronto. This is necessary to prevent any possible error caused by the new collocation step.
Conversely, the two major limitations when it comes to design when using CNC machining have to do with tool geometry and tool access. For example, the internal corners of CNC machine parts in Toronto will have a radius no matter how small the cutting tool is because the geometry of the tool is transferred to the parts. Hence, product features that can’t be accessible this way will not be processed through the CNC machine.