Pneumatic tools powered by compressed air offer valuable gains in various construction applications. These tools are so versatile to use and are so powerful. They can be utilized in circumstances where there’s flammable material nearby or water is present on the ground. There is nothing to worry about shocks or fire hazards. However, before you go and scout for industrial air compressor rental, you need to know a few things first. If you require huge air compressors, you have to know more because they have strict operating rules for your safety. Or else, your ignorance may cause expensive damage or fatal accidents.
The key to choosing the most suitable air compressor you need is determining the correct size for your application. In the case of a rotary screw industrial air compressor rental, selecting a unit is quite simple and straightforward. You just have to take into account two things: the CFM and psi. In case you don’t know yet, CFM stands for cubic feet per minute while PSI means pounds per square inch. Sizing means summing up all the CFM requirements of the air tools you have to power simultaneously. Then you just have to choose a unit that suits the overall number of CFM you summed up while offering the right PSI.
Though you can adjust both these measurements in most air compressors, it is vital that you avoid getting an industrial air compressor rental with just a rough estimation. While professionals and experts of air compressors can inform you about CFM and PSI, they can’t precisely estimate the exact measurements for your pneumatic tools. This means you have to know all these details before placing an industrial air compressor rental.
Always remember that using too limited compressed air can also restrict the power your tool needs to operate. Conversely, opting for a larger compressor that provides more power than what the tools really need is also not economical. Hence, opting for the right-sized unit to run your pneumatic tools is the key to reaching the best decision.