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How To Prevent Costly Repair Issues With Air Compressors

Industrial air compressors are known as the workhorse in most production facilities. However, they also need to be given attention, too, so that they work as expected and not give you costly repair problems. Performing regular inspections of drains and filters would be a great starting point.

Inspecting the Drains

Though drains have a critical role in keeping industrial air compressors perform optimally, they can be a big drain on your compressed system if they malfunction without you knowing it. For compressors equipped with timer drains, the valve automatically opens every time the timer goes off. So, when the device is inactive once this happens, the timer drain can begin the motor for a premature time.

As a result, the drain will cause excessive wear and tear on the entire system if this malfunctioning is not noticed right on time. Other drainage problems can also occur that will further cause serious performance issues to your compressor such as air leaks. A possible solution would be a zero-loss drain that can help prevent air loss and maintenance costs.

Clearing the Filters

Air filters have a crucial role in the operation of industrial air compressors by trapping dust and other air contaminants that can damage the system. It does so allowing the ambient air to be free of air-bound particulates by the time it enters the compression chambers. Without the use of these filters, the compressed air would likely be contaminated and became far less effective for pneumatic tools applications. Not to mention that the unwanted particles would also filter through the air compressor and accumulate on its internal parts.

This is why it’s very important that each filter must be cleaned and cleared of contaminants on a weekly or monthly basis, depending on the frequency of the operations. If ever the filter is already worn or irreparable, change it with a matching replacement.

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