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How to Ensure Safety In Process Tank Chemical Storage Processes

Chemical storage is a hazardous but necessary practice. Minor changes, such as temperature drops, can cause chemicals to freeze or become unusable.

For many businesses, it's challenging to store a large number of chemicals in one place. If something were to happen, such as a leak or fire, the chemicals can have a dangerous reaction.

For this reason, it's important to always use the proper safety guidelines for process tank chemical storage. Read more to find out.

Prevention is Always Better Than Resolution

Following manufacturer-approved safety guidelines is always much better than having contingencies for disastrous chemical storage situations is always less expensive and painless than looking for a solution afterward. Plus, it ensures the safety of your personnel and facilities, too.

So, invest in methods that ensure safety and savings in the future, even if it might seem expensive at first.

Tank Location

Ideally, a chemical storage tank should be located away from water sources, populated areas, and any sources of ignition. This is because a leak from a chemical storage tank can have serious consequences.

The temperature and humidity requirements of chemicals in tank storage (especially those that are flammable) are important to ensure the safety of the chemicals and those working with them.


Constructing tanks with the proper materials and in the correct shapes is important to keep chemicals from being lost or spilled. If a tank is not strong enough to withstand the pressure or other effects of the liquid inside, it will leak.

Plus, if a tank is not shaped correctly, it can lead to improper storage of the chemicals inside. Being able to store chemicals in tanks that are structurally sound and correctly shaped can save you from pains and expenses.

Personnel Training and Proper Use

In order to ensure that personnel are well versed in the operation of the chemical storage tanks, it is necessary to have a written policy that is based on regulatory requirements and industry best practices.

This policy should also take into consideration the unique needs of the business, and it should be reviewed periodically to make sure that it is still relevant.

Personnel should be trained on a regular basis, and this training should include a review of the company's written policy and a demonstration of the use of the chemical storage tank.

Proper Internal Linings

Chemical tank linings are determined based on the chemical and the container. The type of chemical and container can help determine what type of material to use for linings.

PVC is a popular material for lining tanks that is impermeable and chemically resistant, but it is also costly.

Polyurethane is another option for tank linings. It is durable and resists corrosion as well as chemicals such as oils, acids, and solvents.

Consult with your manufacturer about the best chemical tank linings to suit your needs.

Get The Best Process Tanks For Your Storage Needs

Eastman Manufacturing offers a wide range of process tanks and other high-quality metal fabrication equipment suitable for industrial operations. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you.

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