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How to Effectively Manage Major Industrial Air Compressor Repair Concern

Just like other machinery systems, compressed air system has been encountering plenty of performance and efficiency issues. Air leaks, in particular, are a major problem that causes significant waste in energy consumption and results in costly industrial air compressor repair. In most cases, air leakage also leads to productivity losses of the compressed air system. Usually, an air leak accounts for about 20% to 30% of a compressor’s output in most industrial operations. Leaks do not just cause wasted energy but lead to other operating losses as well.

Moreover, the amount of air leaks has a strong influence on the pressure of the entire compressed air system. For example, a lower air pressure due to leaks can minimize the mechanical output of the air tools and equipment and decrease the productivity of the entire process. Hence, poor air leak management may result in experiencing industrial air compressor repair issues that further increase capital expenditure instead of investing the resource to other business necessities. Conversely, responsible and proactive management of air leaks like early detection and immediate repairs can help reduce the amount of air loss of your compressed air consumption to as low as 10%.

One thing to take note of is that air leaks often happen at the joint and other connections. A quick and simple fix as adjusting or tightening a connection can help resolve the little problem. For major issues, it may require replacement of the faulty equipment such as fittings, couplings, pipe sections, hoses, drain traps, or valve stems. To help prevent these problems from happening in the first place, the authorities offer helpful tips and advice on how to prevent this specific industrial air compressor repair problem.

  • The first is to have a proper installation of fittings using the right sealant if required.

  • Use high-quality fittings, such as tubes, hoses, and disconnects from reliable product suppliers.

  • Separate non-operating equipment with a valve in the air distribution system.

  • Wherever possible, reduce the air pressure of your system. It may help reduce the rate of air leakage.

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