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How To Consider Conveyor Ovens To Help Increase Productivity

As the owner of industrial conveyor ovens, you would most likely want to improve its productivity by choosing the best suitable oven for your manufacturing processes. In pursuing this goal, there are some factors that should be considered and decisions must be made so that you get the results you want. In this post, we will show you how a conveyor oven design can impact oven productivity.

Operating Temperatures

One potential source of unexpected adjustments is the operating temperature of the oven. In regular conveyor ovens, the possible heat sources are infrared, infra-air, and electric air convection. The best option for a heat source depends on the substrate and the heat source that best suits it. However, in most cases, both the infrared and gas heat sources will not work well in low-temperature processes. The infrared heat source does not generate infrared waves required while the gas heat source also struggles to work at low temperatures. This is why many are choosing electric hot air convection within low-temperature ranges, less than 150°F or 65°C.

Processes that operate using temperature ranges from 450°F to 600°F also pose some difficulties to operators because a lot of materials and parts have temperature thresholds that work in this range. To improve the productivity of your conveyor oven, the parts that must be carefully evaluated are the belt material, sheet metal, bearings, insulation, and electronic parts that are exposed to either direct or residual heat.

Oven Opening Height

Another important element to ensure improved oven productivity is by properly sizing the oven opening height. This factor is important to ensure that the heat source is the proper distance from the substrate and achieves oven temperature balance. In general, the taller the opening, the more difficult it is to attain a truly balanced oven chamber.

If a custom height is needed, it can also impact how the other factors are made to suit the application and ensure that conveyor ovens operate as expected.

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