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How Safe Is It To Visit Your Dentist in Toronto During The Pandemic?

The fear of seeing a dentist in Toronto and in other parts of the world is a legitimate concern for sure. This is because it is one of the very few services where you have to remove your face shield and face mask. Thus, many have been wondering if they still have to continue with their routine dental care in the middle of this pandemic.

The good news is that we are still encouraging you to visit your dentist during the pandemic because it is not only safe but is also necessary. Undiagnosed dental problems are actually a source that can lead to other health issues such as heart disease, Alzheimer, and even aggravate infections to spread over to other parts of your body. Most importantly, oral cancer screenings can help prevent the occurrence of early-stage cancers that can happen if you continue to postpone dental visits.

So, how can we assure you that you are safe when you visit your dentist in Toronto here at QQ Dental? Here are the precautions we are taking to keep you and everybody else safe in our office.

#1. COVID-19 screenings: every patient is asked a series of questions about symptoms similar to that of the virus, potential exposure or contact with an infected patient, and recent travel history.

#2. Practice safety protocols: social distancing is strictly observed by minimizing patient contact in the reception. This is done by staggering appointments.

#3. Preparatory measures: in addition to standard health protocols, we also perform pre-procedural measures to reduce potential transfers of the infection. We do antimicrobial mouthwash and we use a high-volume evacuator suction device. All these to reduce aerosols produced during the actual procedures.

#4. Infection control procedures: of course, this is the most important step we always practice. The infection control practices are not new to us because we have been following this since our office opened, including hand hygiene, wearing of PPE, disinfecting surfaces, and sterilizing dental equipment. Now, we just enhanced our practices by using barriers and using N95 masks and face shields.

At QQ Dental, we make sure that we never miss any safety measure to ensure that you are safe the moment you step foot inside our dental clinic until you leave with that beautiful smile on your face.

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