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Gender-Neutral Birthday Gifts For A Kid's Birthday Party

Whether it is your eldest child’s birthday or your youngest toddler, giving them gender-neutral gifts is one practical way of making his or her day even more special without wasting your money. Here are the top four gift ideas that will make your kid’s birthday party even more exciting.

Gift Idea #1: Building Toys

Perhaps these are the most gender neutral toys every parent could find. Of course, the most famous building toys are the Legos. They usually come in different sets and sizes. For smaller kids, there are those that come in starter sets while for your bigger children, aged 5 and above, there are also advanced sets that can make your youngsters become more creative in building any structure they can imagine.

But aside from Legos, there are many other building toys available such as the widgets and magna tiles that are both very unique in their building capabilities and attractiveness to kids. Many of them are magnetic, making your kid’s playtime even more fun and exciting.

Gift Idea #2: Craft Supplies

This gift idea is perfect for your kid’s birthday party if your youngster loves creativity. Giving him or her a craft box full of various art supplies would be a great gift you can give. You can put any item you want or your kid loves to use often. But make sure that they are washable if you don’t want them ruining your favorite blouse or shirt. You can include scotch tape, school glue, watercolours, crayons, coloured pencils, markers, tempera paints, paint brushes, and so on.

Gift Idea #3: Books

Whether your kid is a bookworm or not, books are a timeless gift. There are countless options for a book title that you can get for your kid. Just narrow the options by considering what your little one finds enjoyable to read or to listen to every time you read them stories at night. There are also boxed sets of books which are great if you want a variety of stories or you can go for anthologies that are also very fun to read.

Gift Idea #4: Pretend Play

Play pretend gift idea is also amazing. One of its biggest perks is that your kids won’t need a lot of toys to enjoy it. A couple of toy food and toy animals would be good enough already. They would make a very fun play idea not just for your kids but for the whole family, too! Just make sure that you go for the ones that look like the real deal and are made to last.

So, there you go! These gift ideas for your kid’s birthday party will surely make the event memorable.

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