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Everything You'll Want to Know About Rotary Vane Pumps

All vending machines have a rotary vane pump that uses positive displacement to serve beverages. However, rotary vane pumps go beyond food and drink processing. Many oil and petroleum plants use rotary vane pumps in their most crucial processes. Here is everything you need to know about them.


Businesses can get two types of rotary vane pumps. High-quality manufacturers, such as Global Vac, can provide the following:


These rotary vanes have radially moving spots that hold the vanes to trap gas or liquid molecules. Then, it achieves a vacuum as each vane passes through the suction port. The vane movement produces a volume that is dependent on the eccentric ring wall and rotor. The decreasing volume achieves positive displacement.


These pumps work like their sliding counterparts. However, they use flexible vanes to achieve high vacuum levels. The flexible vanes' consecutive deformation and expansion on each side creates volume. However, flexible pumps are much more expensive than their sliding counterparts. Plus, the affordable, flexible vanes always go through consistent replacements.


Rotary vane pumps have critical roles in the following machines and processes:

Vending Machines

Commercial automated drink vendors use machines to achieve accurate liquid positive displacement. Accuracy is crucial for these machines because all drink sales values depend on precise liquid volume. Therefore, high-quality vending machine manufacturers use high-quality rotary vane pumps.

Espresso Makers

Home and business-type espresso makers use compact rotary vane pumps that create the best espresso consistency and quality. However, home-use espresso makers may have smaller rotary vanes than their business counterparts. Plus, business-use espresso makers achieve less component wear and tear doing their tasks.

Oil Pumps

Sliding vane pumps have crucial roles in moving oil within various pipelines. Plus, hand-cranked sliding vanes see massive usage across various petroleum processing facilities. Miniature rotary vane pumps use hydraulics to achieve the same principles without massive equipment.

Get The Best Rotary Vane Pumps From High-Quality Suppliers

You can always count on us at Global Vac for the best pumps suitable for all your needs. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you.

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