Grip Strip
A grip strip backer rod is typically used to provide added material support. The rods are inserted between the material gaps to act as insulation and prevent water from seeping through the joints.
The rods are available in a variety of materials, including steel, aluminum, and fiberglass. In general, a steel backer rod is more effective as a vapor barrier than aluminum or fiberglass. Steel grip strip backer rods are more durable than their counterparts, and they
Closed Cell
A closed-cell backer rod is a type of insulation resistant to water and can be installed quickly. It is typically used in the construction of walls and roofs. Unlike its open-cell counterpart, closed-cell backer rods have a solid, water and air-repellent built. These materials remain dry all the time and fill gaps between materials.
A bi-cellular backer rod is an insulation product used for the insulation of pipes and other risers. It is a type of closed-cell foam product that is typically injected into the exposed space of a mould and then cured.
These backer rods have a high thermal resistance and have high water resistance. The backer rods are made from cellulose, plastic, or rubber.
Open Cell
An open-cell backer rod is a piece of rubber with a rectangular cross-section that is used for various purposes. Originally, they were used to provide insulation in the form of a sealant for mechanical joints, such as those found in plumbing. Then, open-cell backer rods became popular for use as a sealant in window and door frames and as roofing sealants. Professionals can use them to fill gaps around pipes and create a seal.
Get The Best Backer Rods From Dependable Manufacturers
You can always count on us at Alcot Plastics to provide you with the best results for your plastic needs. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.