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Everything About Finding The Right Oils and Lubricants for Your Industrial Air Compressor

Oils and lubricants play a critical role in preserving your industrial air compressor's lifespan and long-term performance. Without oils and lubricants, it's nearly impossible to prevent grinding and grating that causes parts and component damages. Here is everything you need to know about the right oils and lubricants for your industrial air compressor.

Types of Oils and Lubricants

There are three types of oils and lubricants available for your machines. Each one has its significant pros and cons. Consider all of these factors, along with the manufacturer's recommendation, to ensure you have a fully functional and efficient air compressor all the time.


Mineral base in standard lubricants and oils is cheaper than synthetic oils. However, they have a shorter lifespan and performance. Therefore, using standard lubricants require maintenance teams to observe them for less than a week to apply more amounts as the machine needs.


Synthetic bases make up these cost-efficient yet high-investment oils and lubrications. Because of their synthetic base, these oils and lubricants can last 50% further than mineral bases. In addition, unlike standard oils and lubrications, synthetic oils can stay cooler and evaporate at a slower pace.


These multi-purpose oils can work with some industrial air compressors. However, consult with your machine's manufacturer before using them. Multi-purpose oils often advertise themselves as a one-size-fits-all approach to lubricating industrial air compressors. Always remember that every compressor has a unique oil and lubrication need.

Determining Compressor Oil and Lubricant Lifespan

Heat determines the actual lifespan and performance of lubricant oils. Therefore, choose a good standard or synthetic oil or lubricant with a high heat resistance and guarantees substantial results for your maintenance needs.

Get The Best Lubricant and Oils For Your Compressor Needs

You can always count on Air Energy to provide you with the best air compressor parts, accessories, and lubrication. Contact us today to learn more about everything we can do for you.

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