If you have dropped your motorcycle, you know how heart-sinking it is to see it hit the ground. The usual result is a cracked fairing and if buying a new motorcycle is far away from your options, then you would rather repair it using an effective industrial adhesive. Fixing a cracked fairing is much less than buying a new unit. All you just need is epoxy, sandpaper, and the recommended fairing primer and paint. Epoxy is a great adhesive to use when repairing cracks, filling holes, and filling surface imperfections. It is also easy to use by following these steps.
Step 1. First, prepare the area by sanding it using 280-grit sandpaper. This is necessary to have a rough surface for the epoxy adhesive to bite into and for a strong hold. Also, ensure to sand both the inside and outside of the fairing around the cracked area because you need to apply the adhesive to both sides.
Step 2. After you sand, make sure to remove the dust and clean the sanded area. Now, it’s time to apply the industrial adhesive.
Step 3. Don’t forget to mix the epoxy resin and the amine resin using the applicator stick that comes inside the package, until they become one consistent colour.
Step 4. Apply the mixed epoxy evenly to the outside of the cracked area with the help of the stick. Be sure to finish working with the epoxy before it sets within 5 to 15 minutes.
Step 5. Do the same to the inside of the cracked area in your motorcycle. Then wait for about 24 hours for a full cure for both sides.
Step 6. After the full cure, you can perform some light sanding to smooth any surface imperfections.
Step 7. Finally, clean the area of any debris and paint it over with the recommended primer and paint.
There you go! These are all the easy steps you can follow in fixing your fairing over the weekend. For the small cost of a trusted industrial adhesive and some paint, you enjoy big savings from buying a new motorcycle.