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Drawing Exercises That Are Fun And Exciting For Your Kids

For both creative and non-creative children alike, art does confer positive emotions to anyone. However, not all kids have the ability to create artistic masterpieces but don’t let this hinder your pursuit to show the creative side of your little ones. Let them attend drawing classes for kids near you or around your area. While they can draw anytime and anywhere they want, the learning process they will experience during a formal drawing class will give them much better results. But regardless of your choice for them, there are many ways to help them improve their drawing skills. Here are the two fun and exciting ones to try.

Making fun with word stacks

One fun drawing exercise is by using word stacks. What is needed for this activity are blank index cards cut into thirds. Write an adjective word on each card of the first stack, then a noun on the second stack, and a verb on the third stack. Then shuffle every stack separately and draw a card from each stack, putting them next to the other to form a phrase.

Whatever phrase had resulted from it, let your kids draw it. This drawing exercise will not only be so fun but can also help cultivate the drawing skills and confidence of your children. They may or may not experience this during drawing classes for kids, but they can do it at home by all means.

Simple doodling

Doodling is a basic and very simple way to create any shapes or anything you have in mind. It is random sketching that does not even require your kids to make straight lines. They can doodle and create any form with any colour they like. But regardless of how simple doodling is it can help them big in terms of increasing their visual literacy and processing ideas. They can explore doodles with diverse materials and using different drawing tools. It’s a fun exercise that is also commonly introduced in drawing classes for kids.

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