Many people are still confused as to which term is the correct one to use, welding or fabrication? Though these terms are very similar, they are different. In essence, metal fabrication refers to the process of creating a product out of metal. Conversely, welding fabrication in Toronto means a singular operation during the entire metal fabrication process. In simple words, welding is done to join two pieces of metal together while the whole fabrication process involves more than just welding. However, it is important to note that most welders can also fabricate metal products and it is even more likely that all fabricators know how to weld.
Now, how do these two processes really differ and what also makes them quite the same? Let’s talk about the key similarities between them. First is the aspect of cleaning and preparing the raw materials needed for the job. Both metal and welding fabrication in Toronto has to ensure that the metal to be used is clean and free of impurities for best results. Both fabricators and welders use specific cleaning supplies and techniques for this initial step of their work.
Their biggest difference perhaps lies in the actual processes and technologies involved during the actual job. Since welding fabrication in Toronto is one type of metal forming technique, it works together with sheet metal fabrication. However, welding involves certain methods uniquely made just to weld metal pieces such as TIG and GMAW welding. But welding may involve bending and assembling tasks.
On the contrary, sheet metal fabrication involves more than just welding, forming, and bending as it is an overarching process. It includes many other specialty processes such as stamping, spinning, die cutting, hydroforming, stretching, finishing, and many more. It depends on the requirements of the metal project involved. Regardless of which process your project needs, we can offer both, our skilled welders and fabricators here in Demtra. Just let us know your requirements.