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Differentiating Polyethylene Foam from Polyurethane

If you are responsible for the packaging aspect in your company or perhaps you own a business and are looking for the best packaging material, then you have two major options - polyurethane and polyethylene foam. While other consumer products are not sensitive for packaging materials, electronics, computers, and other sensitive items must be packed carefully. This is where those two foam materials come in as the best solution to consider. But which one should you choose for your product packaging? We will differentiate them to help you make your selection.

Polyurethane Foam or Polyester

Also known as polyester, polyurethane is an open cell foam material which is the same spongy material used in making pillows and mattresses. It can absorb liquids. It is perfect for packaging because of its light weight and other amazing properties. With its high resistance to scratches, it is mostly used as packaging for plasma TVs, computer monitors and the face of LCDs.

Polyethylene foam or PE

What makes polyethylene foam very unique is that it is more rigid than polyester and has properties similar to Styrofoam. Yet, it is even more flexible and pliable than a Styro because PE foam will not split or break when bent as the case with the Styro. Moreover, PE foam has a closed-cell structure, and hence, it is not susceptible to liquid penetration. This makes it even a much better packaging option for products that must be protected against moisture and water.

Other distinguishing features of PE foam from polyester is its colour and foam density. Polyurethane has a dark gray color while polyethylene foam appears black. But both of them can also come in various colours. In terms of density, PE is denser and has the density of a soft wood, making it ideal in applications where an item weighs several hundred pounds. Finally, in terms of cost, both foam materials are priced almost similarly but it increases with higher density foams.

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