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Comparing Industrial Batch Ovens With Conveyor Ovens

If you are experiencing some bottlenecks in your heat treatment processing, perhaps it’s time to consider incorporating a new industrial oven into your production line. But how would you know if your thermal application requires the service of conveyor ovens and not of the conveyor ovens? While both of the equipment can provide a host of oven applications, including curing, drying, pre-heating and more, one would be a better option than the other. So, to help you decide, let’s take a closer look at comparing the two ovens in terms of the following aspects.

Oven Application

If your process requires multiple rates of production and needs to produce various shapes and sizes, a batch oven would be your best option. Conveyor ovens are more flexible because they can be tuned in to accomplish something and can process a varied amount of production or materials placed on them at one time. Conveyor ovens, on the other hand, are a great choice if your production requires a high volume of work involving smaller items with minimal differences in physical composition, size, and shape.

The Need For Labour

Obviously, conveyor ovens would require more manpower because of the racks involve that have to be moved, loaded, unloaded, and staged inside the oven. Plus, they also need to be pushed into the next stage of the processing. And also, loading and unloading of a number of small parts onto the rack and moving them around also consumes more time. All these take time and more labour. This is not the case with conveyor ovens since they can be automated as part of the entire production line. This reduces the amount of time that the workers have to spend in loading and unloading the materials or products inside the oven.

The Use of Space

Finally, space is an important factor when choosing which oven is more suitable for you. Batch ovens have the tendency to consume smaller space than conveyor ovens, particularly in the case of a cabinet or bench-top type of batch oven. But other units may also occupy the same amount of space that conveyor oven needs, especially the truck ovens. As for the conveyor ovens, they would need a space where their carts and shelving would be placed. But if they’re integrated with automated parts, they would consume a smaller space.

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