When it comes to pulling a cable, there are a lot of factors that affect the pulling tension. Fortunately, most of them can be managed well with good pulling procedures and tools such as the use of a cable pulling grip. Moreover, there are also those mathematical effects due to the bends in the conduit. Expectedly, dirt and dust inside the conduit can increase the friction significantly to a degree that is more than what a lubricant can reduce.
Also, elevated temperatures can make cable jackets softer, raising the friction. This is why in locations with a hot climate, it is ideal to perform cable installation during cold days. This is also why in cable blowing, installers use a compressor cooler to ensure optimal cable installation. Using the right cable pulling grip is also imperative to make sure that the pull will not be interrupted with a snap or a damaged grip.
Also called cable sock, the installer must perform a full assessment first of the suitability of the cable pulling grip for the application. This is to reduce any operational risk involved during the installation process. The aspects that must be taken into account vary, which include the following:
Grip surface of the cable
Cable grip size in relation to the cable to be pulled
Potential obstructions in the path of the cable
Resistive force of the cable
Minimum-breaking load of the cable grip
Cable grip condition
Operational and environmental conditions
When the correct cable pulling grip is chosen, cable installation will be made much easier. You can ask for further assistance from us if you don’t know how to select the right grip for your installation. We have a wide selection of this product to suit any size of your cable and the conditions you are working with during the cable installation.