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Beneficial And Trivial Uses of Chicken Wire

Also commonly known as poultry netting, chicken wire is a kind of mesh that is used for fencing to protect fowls, especially chicken, of course. Typically, it is made from thin and very flexible steel wire patterned in hexagon shape. It is quite interesting to note that the wire-netting machine used to make this product was first created in 1844 by a British name Charles Barnard and was patterned on a cloth weaving machine.

It was then during WW2 when the material used to make chicken wire was also utilized in creating huge wire ground mats for radar systems. Another fact about this wire mesh is that it was also used by soldiers to hide themselves for camouflage during the war era. Nowadays, the use of this product has grown from mere fencing.

Chicken wire is made in various thickness, diameter, or gauges. Its major use is still for building cheap pens for poultry animals as well as for protecting plants and properties from pests. In the construction industry, this wire cloth is also useful as a metal lath that holds plaster or cement together. This is done to achieve more reinforcement for better and stronger construction results. Still within the same industry, the wire is also found very helpful in blocking and attenuating Wi-Fi and other radio frequency transmissions. It does so by developing what scientists referred to as Faraday cage.

Apart from that, chicken wire is also perfect for making the armature or a wonderful sculpture that many artists have created for durability and beauty purposes. Finally, you will also find it mind blowing to learn that some traditions are using this material for disposing of dead bodies. It is used to wrap the cadaver before dumping it in the river. The purpose being is to cut the body once it expands into little pieces and thus makes a great source of food for the fishes. It sounds filthy but it serves its purpose well.

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