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Basic Principles Governing a Roof Truss

In almost any house or building, you will surely notice a roof truss high atop the ceiling. The reason is very simple. It is what provides the roof strength and stability it needs to support the whole building. If you are wondering how much this integral part would cost, there are various ways to calculate it. However, you have to better understand the fundamental principles first that govern its construction.

Defining roof truss

In terms of description, a roof truss is a straight piece of timber that is used to form triangles which are the ones that provide support to the span of the roof. Essentially, it bears the weight of the roof of the structure and though the triangles are subjected to tension, they won’t yield under heavy loads.

Roof trusses are very popular nowadays and there are good reasons for it. For one, they are very economical because they utilize materials that are very efficient and easy to transport as well as to assemble. Plus, they also come in various shapes to suit different building designs and styles. These include flat trusses for flat roofs, gable or the type that refers to king post, queen post, howe, and double howe.

Ensuring you have stable roof truss

Though roof trusses are indeed very strong, still you have to ensure that they are stable enough to support the weight of the entire roof. Simply using a roof truss won’t prevent lateral movement of the roof if certain aspects are not fairly considered. This particularly involves understanding the forces that will be exerted on it as well as the specific type of bracing system that is needed.

Now, if you think you are overwhelmed or not sure how to ensure secure and sound use of a roof truss for your building, just reach out to us. We are not only helping you understand roof trusses and calculate their dimensions but we ensure that you get a building that is secure and stable for many years to come.

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