Almost all kids love to draw any shape or figure that comes to their minds. However, without the right amount of guidance and motivation, they can easily lose enthusiasm as they grow older. But there are still those who continue to improve their drawing skills and explore their imagination to create more realistic images. This is where drawing classes are especially designed to support young kids in their passion to draw and use art to express their personalities. Different drawing skills are taught to children for them to discover which areas of drawing they particularly excel and enhance those specific skills.
If you have kids you are planning to send to drawing classes, there are some exercises that you can ask them to do at home to encourage them further and stay motivated even if they are not in class. First, you can try asking them questions that relate to straight lines and how they change to create curves, bends, and other complex shapes. Doing these most often will help your kids develop their observational skills while integrating what they see or imagine. When this happens, they can start learning how to use drawing tools and put into an image that they have in their minds.
Better yet, ask them to do any or both of the following exercises to engage their enthusiasm even more.
Naming the line: while your kids can learn about lines when attending drawing classes, you can provide reinforcement by doing the practice of naming the line while at home. Let them identify various lines by pointing to different items in your house or even outside when you’re having a walk at the park. For instance, the edges or contour of a bench has a straight line while a slide may have a curve line.
Drawing in the air: just like what most kids do at play, ask your child to draw in the air with their hands with an eye covered. Tell them to trace an imaginary object with a finger while observing it very closely. As they draw, talk about line movements that they can follow as they draw in the air. Doing this exercise will enable them to learn to know the actual line at the edges or contour of a certain shape.