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Answering Important Questions About Laser Cutting

There is no question when it comes to the popularity of laser cutting services in Toronto due to the plenty of benefits they provide to industries of all types. One of its major advantages is unmatched precision, allowing manufacturers to ensure a higher quality result. CNC laser cutters, in particular, enable quick setup of the machine as well as great repetition. Moreover, cuts made through laser cutting can vary so much, from very simple to extremely intricate shapes. This flexibility makes laser cutting more attractive. Despite this, there are still a lot of questions about this process. Here are some of the most essential ones and their answers.

Q1. Are laser fumes hazardous?

Contrary to the common misconception about the by-product of laser cutting services in Toronto,the fumes and debris produced by most materials being laser cut are non-toxic. And usually, there are protocols created to ensure the safety of the workers. More importantly, there are also publications about health and safety information associated with this cutting technology and its by-product.

Q2. Is it true that laser cutting leaves a brown mark?

This question is most applicable in cutting textiles. Apparently, when cutting white or light-colored fabrics, there could be a little discoloration on the edge. However, in darker colors, it is not apparent. Better yet, this concern can be prevented by employing the right parameters such as air pressure, power of the laser, and the cutting speed of the machine. All of these factors can be adjusted on the laser cutting system.

Q3. Why laser cutting is compared with hot knife cutting?

One of the most common misconceptions is that laser cutting services are slower than knife cutting. This is not always the case because there are certain applications where laser cutting is in fact a lot faster than hot knife cutting. What dictates the speed of the cut using a laser is the kind of material being cut.

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