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AC Motor Selection: Speed, Torque, And Inertia

Among the most common options for motion control systems, the AC motor is one of the simplest choices you can make. But still, choosing the best unit is not that easy if you do not know what you are looking for. There are a few important points to consider during the selection process. Some of them include things like load torque, operating speed or output speed, as well as power supply and frequency, among others.

The very first thing you need to do is to determine the operating speed. Getting the right calculation for this criteria is very crucial because the speed of some types of motor cannot be modified such as the case with an induction AC motor. Hence, the speed must be reduced using a separate device to suit the needed speed for the load. So knowing the right gear ratio is very important.

The second parameter to get is the torque which comes in two variations, starting torque and rated torque. These two always don’t equal, particularly in the case of a single-phase induction motor. This is why the starting torque is often considered as it comes lower, which makes it necessary to exceed the motor’s rated speed. It is also important to know that an AC motor is typically created in a manner that its temperature during operation is at its lowest point when working close to its rated speed.

After determining the speed and torque required by your application, it’s time to pick the motor and a gearhead, if they need to come separately. Again, based your selection of gear ratio and motor power supply voltage on the identified speed and torque. You can then decide on the inertia, which also comes in two variations: permissible and load inertia. The former must be higher than the latter one. If you are not familiar with this factor, you may ask our assistance to help you make your final selection.

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