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A Trending Mesh Material for Architectural and Artistic Works

Wire mesh and its varieties, such as chicken wire, have protected structures and people for decades. Back in the medieval era, knights were wearing chainmail in battles as protection against swords and axes. Moreover, wire mesh is also used to build barricade-like walls and structures to hold back soil that causes rockslides on roads. Today, as much as protection, wire mesh is becoming more popular for decorative purposes with beautiful and genius art design using a variety of wire mesh. There are plenty of inspiring creative uses of chicken wire mesh, including the three popular areas below where this material showcases artistry and creativity.

#1. Structural Element

Both architects and designers have been utilizing wire mesh to make fantastic and eye-catching building facades, lobby centerpiece, and many more practical and decorative structural elements. You can use it on numerous architectural pieces.

#2. Metal Art

Artists consider it more challenging to display their skills through intricate chicken wire mesh designs. For instance, sculpture artists, in particular, have displayed their detailed attention and skillful craftsmanship which encourages others to also use wire mesh material. Perfect examples are the majestic sculptures of life-sized animals formed using fine wire mesh. Another different sculpting technique used by the artists is by layering sheets of wire mesh and then remove bits which result in creating depth and revealing fantastic artworks and forms.

#3. Architectural Artistry

This project is similar to metal art but on a much grandeur scale that involves more than just artistry. For this project, the artists are working closely with the design engineering team and structural engineer to ensure that it will be safe and securely installed to the building. Some projects that utilize traditional chicken wire mesh requires meticulous engineering work to meet structural requirements. But with the right material and support, any project can be designed and installed properly.

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