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A Gigantic Creation Made for Massive Task

If you are familiar with turning lathes, then more likely you can easily understand how boring mills work. However, unlike lathes that machine the external diameter of a workpiece, vertical or horizontal boring equipment cut the inside part. So, in essence, a boring mill is used to finish a pre-existing drilled hole on a workpiece. Its main function is to attain three important machining goals - correct sizing, straightness, and concentricity of the part being bored. The newest technology and concept of a floor-type horizontal boring mill is best represented by FERMAT’s WRF 160 CNC. It has great circular interpolation accuracy and high precision of the additional CNC rotary table.

The WRF 160 CNC machine boasts with a powerful headstock consisting of a movable live spindle (W-axis) and a movable slide ram (Z-axis). With its uniquely massive design, it is a universal milling and horizontal boring equipment that offers very efficient processing of large, bulky and heavy workpieces through its quality and high precision operation. The capabilities of this machine are further improved by the creator by making it a double-headed monster, adding two more columns (Y-axes) that extend up to five meters high. Every column utilizes a powerful headstock that comes with floor plated and CNC rotary tables that securely holds the massive workpiece weighing up to 100 metric tons.

For maximum stability, the headstock is enclosed within the column frame to allow the machine to mill and tear away at giant workpieces without getting knocked out. The DUO’s spindle diameter is 160 mm and works with a combined power of ram + spindle travel of 2.5. meters. Hence, the machine can rip so deep into the center of a heavy metal component. This modern horizontal boring equipment tremendously feasts upon the workpiece, clawing and cutting through with monstrous energy. Yet, despite being so powerful, the resulting piece is very precise.

All components of this gigantically massive machine are made by renowned manufacturers. TOS America is a proud exclusive Canadian importer of FERMAT boring mills, including the DUO 160 CNC and other horizontal boring equipment and vertical varieties from this renowned manufacturer. We also offer used TOS boring machines and equipment from FERMAT Machinery, one of the most demanded brands in Canada due to the precision and high quality of the machines manufactured by the company.

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