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A Detailed Look Into Prenatal Testing Procedures

Prenatal testing can detect Down syndrome, chromosomal abnormalities, or congenital heart defects in the fetus.

The test allows parents to make an informed decision about whether or not to continue the pregnancy. There are some risks associated with prenatal testing, including false negatives and false positives.

Here are five common services for prenatal testing.

Carrier Testing

DNA carrier testing is a technique used in screening and testing for inherited diseases. It detects DNA in a sample of cells that is extracted and analyzed. After analysis, the laboratory will determine the risk of hereditary diseases.

Carrier testing is helpful for preconception stages between parents and gynecologists because it gives parents an idea about the possible risks once they plan for a child.

Nuchal Translucency Screening

Nuchal translucency screening is an ultrasound technique used to examine a fetus to determine the presence or absence of Down syndrome. It uses a small probe placed around the back of the fetus' neck to measure the amount of fluid between the skin and the skull. The extra fluid can indicate the increased risks of Down's syndrome or congenital heart diseases.

Non-Invasive Pregnancy Testing (NIPT)

DNA from the mother's placenta eventually gets absorbed into the bloodstream, allowing NIPT procedures to identify and locate DNA fragments. Upon identification and recording, laboratories will isolate and look for possible chromosomal abnormalities that indicate the child's potential for Down's syndrome and heart defects.

Chorionic Villus Sampling

Chorionic villus sampling takes a sample of cells from the placenta for genetic mutations analysis. The procedure is done by inserting a needle into the pregnant woman's abdomen and collecting cells from the placenta. The cells collected by the needle are put into a vial and sent to a lab. The lab will analyze the cells and give a result about the fetus and the mother's health.


Amniocentesis is a type of prenatal diagnostic test that can be used to extract amniotic fluid for testing. It is sometimes used to diagnose fetal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome. It is also used to determine the sex of the fetus. Amniocentesis is typically performed between the 16th and 18th weeks of pregnancy.

The Best Labs Guarantee The Safest Services

Prenatal Genetics is the best laboratory with an excellent reputation in providing the safest laboratory services for parents and customers in Canada. Allow us to give you peace of mind by using our services today.

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