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6 Important Criteria When Selecting a Conveyor Oven

Conveyor ovens are flexible and commonly used in the heat processing industry. They can be used for curing, drying, preheating, baking, form setting, and thermal degreasing. Since they are used for so many processing applications, they are utilized in various industries. Many manufacturers of ovens have included a standard-sized conveyor oven in their product lines. This oven is pre-engineered and comes in certain sizes and offers reduced costs and faster delivery time.

When it comes to choosing the right conveyor oven for your particular application, here are the important criteria to consider first.

Part loading: a good option for standard conveyor ovens is when they allow loading of parts without the need for a part holder or a special belt. In case the parts you are working with won’t fit into the standard size range, you will need to have a customized one.

Controls: most conveyor ovens come with a standard controls package that has basic functions. So, if your application needs additional controls like multiple set points, data acquisition, or ramp and soaks, that do not come with a standard package, you can use a customized control to suit your process requirements.

Temperature: likewise, you can find standard conveyor ovens equipped with maximum operating temperature which your requirement may fall into. If not, then a customized oven is needed, especially if it requires multiple heat zones with varying temperatures.

Heat Source: this criterion is best designed if you have a customized conveyor oven. You can use it using any heating medium you want, be it gas, steam, or electric.

Airflow: pre-designed airflow arrangements are available with standard ovens while in custom ovens, you can decide to have them in any way you prefer. You can have them in vertical or horizontal orientation, in high or low velocity, or in any way you need the airflow to be arranged and managed.

Material Construction: this refers to the kind of material you want the oven to be made of. Does your process require aluminum steel or stainless steel? Look at your process requirements and conditions first because they dictate what material is best for your conveyor oven.

Depending on your particular application, there could be more important criteria you need to think about first before making your final choice among various types of conveyor ovens available out there. If you want to make your selection process easier, you may call us to help you decide.

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