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5 Undeniable Reasons It's Better To Use Pleated Air Filters

Pleated air filters play a critical role in system performance improvement. It can reduce the damage that debris and other problematic sediments entering systems can cause. However, you might be confused about both non-pleated and pleated filters' capabilities, and here are reasons to choose the latter.

Increased Surface Area

All pleated air filters have an increased surface area, allowing them to capture much more dust and debris when possible. On the other hand, normal filters have less coverage in most instances unless your manufacturer customizes them for you. Then again, customizing filters into pleated variants are the best option.

Ages with an Extra Filtering Layer

Over time, filters accumulate an enormous mass of dust and sediments, signaling it's time to replace them. With pleated air filters, you won't need to replace them early because the trapped sediments create an extended filter. In doing so, it achieves the best trapping capacity compared to new normal filters.

Industrially-Compatible MERV Ratings

A high MERV rating guarantees top-notch and fail-proof filtration. However, it will limit or completely block your machine's airflow, rendering the high filtration level impractical. Pleated filters with low-level MERV will perform much better than a normal filter with a high MERV.

Customizable With The Right Suppliers

High-quality filter manufacturers, such as Dynamic Filtration, can design and manufacture the most compatible pleated filters for your machines. If you're an industrial equipment manufacturer, it's the best choice to bring out the best in your products.

Longer Lifespan and Performance

Pleated filters age like wine because it can filter much better as it ages. In doing so, it achieves monumental lifespan and performance over time. Truthfully, they will still wear and tear over time, but they'll do so much sooner than normal air filters.

Get The Best Pleated Filters Today

If you have yet to find the best filter or manufacturers you can trust, you can always count on us at Dynamic Filtration. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you.

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