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5 Quick Ways to Know If Your Horizontal Boring Equipment is in Trouble

Horizontal boring equipment central to your daily operations needs proper maintenance. However, it can deteriorate in quality and dependability over time. If you're unsure about its current performance, here are five easy ways to resolve your boring equipment's performance before it breaks down without warning.

Visual Inspections

Turn off the horizontal boring equipment, then check all the parts and components visible without disassembling any signs of wear and tear. Take note of all parts that frequently interact with workpieces and receive frequent adjustments because these primarily require spare parts and fittings.

Fluid Check

Lubrication makes horizontal boring equipment most efficient and capable. If your operators consistently grease and lubricate parts before use, they can extend your machine's lifespan and performance. High-quality hydraulic fluid replacements guarantee top-notch machine performance too. If anyone failed to replace the fluids for a long time, you could expect your machine to break down within weeks.

Pilot Tube

If your machine's pilot tubes haven't received washing in the last few months, make sure it receives a bath. Fragments and residue from previous projects will harden and affect the pivotal component's performance.

Paint Condition

Every part of your horizontal boring milling machine uses top-quality galvanized steel. However, without proper protective paints, they will rust with deteriorating performance over time. You can receive help from professional maintenance and repair teams your manufacturer certifies to paint your machine properly.

Guidance System

Your boring machine's guidance systems use theodolite and cameras. However, you won't want to tamper with these sensitive components on your own. Maintenance teams can check, calibrate, and ensure the accuracy of these components in no time.

Get The Best Maintenance Team On the Job

You can always count on TOS America to calibrate and maintain your FERMAT machinery. Contact us today if you need recommendations. We have everything to offer you once you give us a call!

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