Copper wire recycling is the process of extracting copper from scrap metal. Its return to manufacturing is essential in order to meet the growing demand for copper.
Copper is one of the most crucial metals used in manufacturing. It is used in electronics, machinery, and construction, to name a few. Through copper wire recycling, scrapyards help meet the growing demand for copper by returning it back quickly and efficiently to manufacturing.
Here are five great benefits to recycling copper.
Uses Less Energy Than Mining
Copper mining uses a lot of energy, including the energy used to create and use the tools needed. In addition, labour requires proper sheltering and training, which takes up much more peripheral resources. Recycling copper uses less energy to dissolve used copper in acid and then recover it from the water in specialized copper recycling facilities.
Every Appliance and Equipment Contains Copper
Copper is the most common material used for plumbing and electrical wiring in homes, businesses, and industrial applications. In addition, copper is integral to the proper function of water heaters, boilers, and the gas pipes that run through any property.
Copper wire is used in electrical wiring, either as a single wire or in an electrical conduit, which means all appliances and heavy-duty equipment contains copper that you can recycle for profit.
Has Many Highly-Priced Varieties
Recyclable copper comes from scrap metal. The copper is then re-melted to remove impurities and ends up being reused in manufacturing. There are three main types of copper, which are virgin copper, recycled copper, and refined copper.
While virgin copper is the most expensive of them all, it doesn’t have any superior qualities versus recycled and refined copper. With these in mind, you can expect recycled copper to be as close to the price of virgin copper.
Helps The Environment
Recycling copper helps to save the environment from pollution and depletion of natural resources. Plus, it aids manufacturers in creating products within the shortest amount of time possible, thanks to nearby scrapyards where they can source their raw material.
High-Quality Scrapyards You Can Trust
The country has many high-quality scrapyards, such as Alnor Industries, that provide you with a fair and dependable recycling system that will benefit your business. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you.