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5 Critical Signs Your Industrial Air Compressors Need Replacements Soon

Industrial air compressors are invaluable for pneumatic tool manufacturers, fabricators, automakers, and other heavy industry use. Making sure they're working in top shape is crucial to achieving results you and your clients need from your products and services. Here are five interpretive signs your air compressors require a replacement soon.

Excessive Moisture Output

All industrial air compressors will produce condensation air when compressing air for pneumatic tools and equipment. If your automatic receiver drains cannot get rid of condensed air completely, then you might need to add a dryer or filter. If all else fails, you might need to replace it.

Abnormal Noise During Usage

All industrial air compressors emit a loud sound. However, you and your personnel had recognized this sound when your unit was still brand-new. If it emits two or more types of noise, then the motor may have a gear losing thread or a loose or broken component.

Overheats Frequently

All air compressors will shut down automatically if it has poor ventilation. Severe overheating will damage your compressor seals and deform or melt parts of the equipment. Make sure to consult with technicians to know the extent of damages if your personnel had used it despite the frequent overheating issue.

Extremely Low Air Pressure

Low air pressure indicates damaged seals in different areas. However, it might be your air compressor's controls, belts, and internal compressor wear that are to blame for this poor performance. If the air pressure loss is too high, it's essential to consult technicians to know the next best course of action.

Used for Over Ten Years

If your machine is over ten years old, it deserves to be retired from service. Most tools show indications of damages and problems by five years of age. Detrimental performance issues surface as a compressor steps on its tenth year of operations.

Make Sure You Work Only with Dependable Suppliers

If you need replacement air compressors, you can trust ReapAir Compressor Services to find you the perfect ones. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you!

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