Heated ramps are convenient for residential and corporate properties. You won't need to have someone shovel the entire area. Plus, you reduce the risk of slips, trips and falls, as well as cluttered and traffic-ridden parkways due to car exiting delays. However, they still fall prey to wear and tear. Here are five vital symptoms the heated ramp will require a replacement soon.
Unprecedented Ice Buildup
The primary objective of heated ramps is to remove ice buildup from your ramps. If it fails to do this task, then it's time for you to have it inspected. Experienced electrician teams, such as A.S. Electrical Services, could check and determine if it requires repairs or replacement only.
Inaccurate Temperature Settings
If the heated ramps' thermostats and wires do not reach high temperatures, your thermostat or wires might be in trouble. Alternatively, the digital controls are most likely to suffer damages too. Inaccurate temperature settings require the inspection and recommendation of professional electricians.
Small Frozen Patches on Ramps
Small frozen patches are signs of malfunctioning heating rods. It's possible that the rods physically disconnected themselves through a number of ways too. Electricians can inspect these areas by going underneath your ramp and inspecting it thoroughly.
Unexpected and Unforeseen Shut Offs
One sign of an aged heated ramp is the sudden shut-offs it encounters throughout the day. If your ramps are having this problem, it might be a minor issue with its connection to your main power supply. Otherwise, it might be something bigger and detrimental.
In Use for More Than Ten Years
Any ramp in use daily for more than ten years is a suspect to possible long-term damages. You'll want to have these aged ramps changed soon.
Get The Best Electrician Team Install the Best Heating System
A.S. Electrical Services provides only the best electrician services and heated ramp installations nationwide. Contact us today to learn more about our services!