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5 Compelling Benefits of Nickel Alloy Processing


Only a handful of objects and equipment use pure nickel as its primary component. In most applications, nickel alloy partners with other metals, creating more robust, lighter, and durable products in the process. Its supporting and stabilizing role has spread it evenly across many pieces of equipment, tools, vehicles, and other devices, as well as industrial and commercial businesses use.

Partners with Stainless Steel

Nickel alloy is affordable. Partnered with stainless steel, it creates a super alloy that has exceptional strength and resistance to heat. Nickel-reinforced stainless steel is widely part of cutlery, vehicle exhaust, car bumpers and wheel caps, and engine components because of its top-tier strength-to-density ratio, weight, and heat resistance.

Heavy Use in Military Equipment and Tools

Traditional small arms manufacturing used nickel alloy as part of its electroplating processes. Nowadays, nickel remains a dependable electroplating solution that improves small arms lifespan and rust resistance. Additionally, nickel is highly likely part of tank composite armor that military weapons manufacturers use.

Common Aerospace and Industrial Applications

Aircraft and spacecraft will travel in places with high salt air conditions. Clouds evaporate seawater regularly, making it crucial to use nickel as a corrosion-resistant layer. This quality reinforces the corrosion-resistant aluminum body of aircraft and space vehicles. Additionally, this anti-corrosive alloying practice sees extensive use in many industrial plumbing and seaside applications.

Unparalleled Corrosion Resistance

Nickel's superior corrosion resistance protects vulnerable steel, iron, and other strong metals from embrittlement and weakened structures as an alloyed metal. Additionally, manufacturers won't have to spend a fortune upgrading their product's metal bodies with nickel layers.

Super metal Experimental Developments

Nitinol, a nickel and titanium combination, is an experimental super metal that shows resistance and exceptional practical applications. It has a powerful "shape memory," allowing it to bend in many places and restore its original form at a specific high or low temperature.

Honest, Value-Oriented Scrappers Always Give You Great Nickel Prices!

Nickel's value isn't going to drop any time soon. Scrappers you can trust, such as Alnor Industries, pay top dollar for every nickel scrap you can provide. Contact us today to learn more about it!



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