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4 Disastrous Effects of Shortened Blades in a Rotary Vane Pump

A rotary vane pump draws in liquids and other substances your business has to contend with daily. Without your machines, extracting excess water underground will be impossible. Furthermore, medical operations will have no clear visibility if not for these handy and powerful pumps. Over time, the fan's blades shorten. It's imperative you replace them before you encounter the following.

Damages Other Pump Components

Any rotary vane pump is an integrated system. Designers pieced them together to save space and work efficiently. The shortening of pump blades will have a detrimental domino effect on the others. For example, it might have loose gaskets and screws, damage the pump interior, or decrease its pressure. Make sure to have qualified technicians from GlobalVac inspect this for you.

Inefficient Liquid Siphoning

If your rotary vane pump takes time to siphon its usual work capacity, then it's highly likely it has shorter fan blades. GlobalVac technicians often find damaged interior seals or shortened fan blades to be the leading cause of vacuum pump pressure loss. They can replace your damaged vanes. However, you can receive further benefits by replacing your entire vacuum instead.

Frequent Breakdowns

Pumps with reduced pressure can introduce massive damages to your machine's interior. Most devices have an onboard anti-damage mechanism that shuts down the vacuum pump to avoid further damage due to malfunction. If the mechanism operates more frequently than it should, then it's most likely you need technicians to inspect it or have it replaced soon.

Inaccurate Results in All Operations

Damaged pump vanes will never yield accurate results. Your personnel will find their tasks becoming dragging and taking longer than they recently did. Measuring your performance and aligning it with your logistics will be impossible.

Get The Best Replacements from Us Today

GlobalVac has over 40 years of experience distributing and providing only the best pumps for industrial, medical, and pharmaceutical use. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you.

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