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4 Convincing Signs It's Time to Update Your Current Police Vehicle Supply

The core of every law enforcement work is the hardworking policeman. However, without proper equipment and police vehicle supply, their existing gear can slow them down especially in situations that require a speedy and precise response. This is just one sign that your department needs to update its current gear. Here are four others.

It's Been Decades Since The Last Update

If you're still using the same equipment issued in 2000 or even way before, then it's definitely time to upgrade your police vehicle supply. Even if they're still effective in communicating and recording criminal activity in your area, they'll slow down your personnel's response time. In every emergency, a timely response is always necessary -- and dependable equipment will always help.

Teams Are Experiencing Severe Situational Disadvantages

Once your team transmits a situation report to headquarters, they will need to type in a perpetrator's name in their local police laptop database. This can slow down their response time especially in a rapidly-escalating situation.

However, with an integrated mechanism that allows them to use an officially-issued smartphone device to integrate seamlessly with laptop features -- which was what we at Darta Fleet Solutions recently accomplished with other tech institutions during "#MobilityFirst" -- they save time in responding to situations.

Poor Integration of Modern Technology

The example we cited above is an example of modernising database access. If your department has yet to maximise its use of new communication and information technology, then it's important to consult with reliable fleet vehicle outfitters as soon as possible. Technology shouldn't be a disadvantage especially for people whose lives are always on the line helping others.

Lack of Parts Surplus for Repairs and Replacement

Lastly, you definitely have aging vehicle gear if you're having problems locating suppliers of specific parts and servicing they need. By modernising your existing police vehicle supply, you'll have zero problems in sourcing for repair parts and upgrading your systems to the latest tech.

Only Work With Trusted Police Vehicle Supplies In Your Area

Darta Fleet Solutions has worked with numerous police departments, EMS services, and fire departments such as Vaugh Fire and The York Regional Police in improving their fleet technologies. Contact us today, and we can help you find the best equipment to unlock your department's full operational potential!

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