Using an adhesive accelerator is a regular practice in most construction businesses and manufacturing companies. Cyanoacrylates, which are instant adhesives, such as threadlockers, are essential in reinforcing mechanical joints and attachments. By using these accelerators, businesses can achieve these four stellar results:
Reduced Labor Time and Improved Productivity
An adhesive accelerator speeds up the adhesive's cure time. For example, threadlockers with compatible accelerators can speed up its cure time from 24 hours to 12 hours or less. In doing so, employee productivity drastically increases, thanks to a single product's efficient application. However, it's crucial to apply accelerators properly to avoid errors in the application.
Lower Risk of Material Absorption
It is usual for materials to absorb a certain amount of adhesive before it cures. However, despite the material-adhesive compatibility, absorption in high amounts can cause detrimental damages to certain materials. In this light, using an adhesive accelerator lowers the risk of material absorption by curing the adhesive faster before the material absorbs the adhesive.
You Need Only Small Amounts
Most accelerators require only a small drop or pea-sized application to introduce their effects. Furthermore, it's essential to apply only a small amount to prevent possible rapid curing or adverse effects. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and consider every aspect that can negatively impact your accelerator's performance.
Guaranteed Consistent Fixture Strength
Accelerators continue to introduce the same threadlocker or adhesive fixture strength even with sped-up curing time. As long as you use the correct accelerator for your adhesive, you have guaranteed mechanical attachment stability and integrity.
Get The Best Accelerators Today
If you have yet to find excellent accelerators, you can receive the best ones from Invertech Canada, fabricator, integrator and distributor of adhesives for a variety of applications. Contact us today to learn about our products and services and everything that we can achieve with you.